Clyman, WI Real Estate

Clyman Real Estate   

Clyman is a village in Dodge County, Wisconsin, with a population of just under 400 people.

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Population Demographics

  City County State
Total Population 279 89,519 5,852,878
Total Households 108 34,123 2,349,819
Total Families 78 23,278 1,516,725
Percent Male 52% 52% 50%
Percent Female 48% 48% 50%
White Collar Jobs 32% 55% 58%
Blue Collar Jobs 68% 45% 42%

Top Occupations

Professions Population Employed
Manufacturing 86
Other Services 35
Professional Services 30
Construction 23
Transportation 11
Management 11
Maintenance 11
Information, Scientific and Technical 10
Sales 9
Healthcare 4

Male Female Breakdown

Population Age

White vs Blue Collar Jobs

Top Professions

Work Transportation Method

Household Income

Education Attainment

  City County State
Some High School 17 4,961 224,571
High School Graduate 88 25,847 1,256,597
Some College 47 13,888 833,955
Associates Degree 19 6,413 410,260
Bachelors Degree 17 7,272 747,113
Graduate Degree 3 3,065 384,121

Education Attainment

Market Conditions
Market Conditions for Clyman - March 2024 | Shorewest Realtors®
March 2024

Market Conditions for Clyman

Median Sale Price Graph

Median Sale Price

The median sale price for homes in March was $0. The median sales price for homes in March fell by ($202,000) compared to last month. This represents a 0% decrease from February. Compared to the same month last year, the median price of homes did not change $0 representing a 0% year-over-year change.

The median sales price is the middle value of all sales occurring in the market during the past thirty days when you arrange these sales prices from lowest to highest. This is a better indicator than the average as the median does not change as much as a result of a few unusually low or high sales prices.

Homes for Sale Graph

Homes for Sale

The inventory of homes for sale rose by 1 in March to 2. This represents 100% increase from February when 1 homes were on the market. Compared to the same month last year when there were 0 homes for sale, the inventory of homes for sale has risen by 2 representing a 0% year-over-year change.

Homes for sale represents the number of active listings on the market during the specified month as reported in the MLS system operating within the market area.

Homes Sold Graph

Homes Sold

The 0 homes sold in March was 1 less than in February. This represents a 0% decrease in sales from February. Compared to the same month last year, the number of homes sold did not change 0, a 0% year-over-year .

Homes sold is the total count of properties in the market area that have had a closed sale during the specified month as reported in the MLS systems operating within the market area.

Average Days on Market Graph

Avg Days on Market

The average days on market for a home sold in March (0) decreased by 5 days compared to February. This represents a 0% decrease in days on market for homes in the market from the previous month. Compared to the same month last year, the days on market for homes sold did not change 0, a 0% year-over-year change.

Average Days on Market is the time period between the date when a home is listed for sale in an MLS system and the date it is sold.

Sale/List Price Ratio

Sale/List Price Ratio

The Sale/List Price Ratio of 0% in March fell by 0% compared to February and did not change 0% compared to the same period last year.

Sale/List Price Ratio is the sale price of a listing divided by the original list price expressed as a percentage. The Sale/List Price Ratio for the market is determined by adding the Sale/List Price Ratio for each listing sold in the market during the month and dividing by the number of listings sold during the month.

New Homes Graph

New Homes

The number of homes listed in March (1) rose by 1 compared to February, a 0% change. Compared to March 2023, the number of new listings increased by 1, a 0% year-over-year change.

Newly Listed Homes are the total count of homes that have been listed within the market area during the most recent month, as reported in the MLS system(s) operating in the market area.

Median List Price Graph

Median List Price

The median list price in March was $285,000. The median list price for homes in March rose by $285,000 compared to last month. This represents a 0% increase from February. Compared to the same month last year, the median list price of homes increased $285,000 representing a 0% year-over-year increase.

The median list price is the middle value of all currently active listings as reported in the MLS systems in the market area when you arrange these list prices from lowest to highest. This is a better indicator than the average as the median does not change as much as a result of the existence of a few unusually low or high list prices.